


It's pretty difficult when sharing a closet in college with your roommate, especially when you have several items of clothing along with accessories and more. recently posted a blog on how to, "Organize Your Closet With These Five Essentials."

The five essentials include:

1. Dress Protectors: Using clear bags is recommended because you'll know exactly what is in each bag. Dress protectors keep all formal wear from being dirty or dusty.

2. Clear Shoe Boxes: A suggestion is to take photos of shoes and put them on the outside of each box so its easy to put shoes away and find them later. These boxes can also be used to organize a million other household items.

3. Shelf Dividers: These are perfect for keeping your purses, pants and sweaters in order. Handbags are always an organizational challenge, but I find standing them up on a shelf works best.

4. Bins: Label your bins! Use separate bins for socks, undergarments, pantyhose, hats, and other miscellaneous items that may not have a home.

5. Uniform Hangers: Using the same hangers will give you a tidier and neater look in your closet.

Hopefully this helps in organizing your closet space!

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